Friday, October 9, 2009

Small updates, bug fixes and movie contest information

Firstly, we'd like to apologize for the minor bug related to the demo submissions for the contest. Even though we stated that demo submission was over, users were still capable of uploading demos to the contest. This bug should be fixed now however, but we'd like to make sure all editors are on the same page regarding the use of demos submitted past the deadline.

You are allowed to use the demos submitted past the deadline, as this was an error on our part.

Users might have been experiencing slow speeds the past week, as we were transferring and integrating a 4th content server to our network. With this addition, the streaming and download speeds should be fast for some time now. With the additional hardware at our disposal, we are planning on introducing low quality alternatives for streaming.


  1. You forgot to add Let It Rock to the entries page.

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